Nerida... 15 years of online dating... countless idiots.
Nic... 2 dates and jackpot! hahaha
We chatted online for weeks.
I said, "Are you going to ask me on a date?"
Nic said, "yep."
We had coffee at a cafe in Rosalie and talked for hours.
Next day had lunch at Victoria Point, after the idea of the movies was canned because we had no idea it was school holidays.
Next date was set a few days later but Kalan (my dog) got sick. Nic came to my house and helped me care for him while we had dinner and watched movies.
After about 5 dates I asked Nic if he was going to kiss me... he said, "yep". hahaha
And the rest is history!
...and we now live happily ever after with giant dogs!